Sunday, March 4, 2012

Slaughter Lake!

That's me on the cover!  (the jerk with the innertube, not the facemask)

Slaughter Lake by the diabolical talents of Josh Rodgers is now available in print from Indy Planet!  It's the story of psychotic killer Mason Bowers and his murderous romp through the horny campgrounds of Laughter Lake.

If you enjoyed the Friday the 13th films, this is a love letter you can get on board with.  And it features characters based upon The Chronic Crew and the folks at Where Monsters Dwell as well.  If you've ever wanted to see any of us get what's's your chance!

Hey, who is that in the background?  It's Quincy, doing what he does best

 I had been following Slaughter Lake online, but I have to say that holding the print book in my hands brought a whole new perspective.  Josh has come quite a ways in terms of craft and storytelling ability with his pencils, and If you ever saw his Haunt entry in that contest McFarlane held a while back, you don't need me to tell you that.  He's good and getting better.

But having the book and setting it next to the other comics in my collection, that apples-to-apples comparison made it clear to me that Josh is ready for prime time.  He's doing pro work, and everything about this one-shot from Mushface Comics  screams quality - from the finish on the cover, to the coloring, to the paper.

Slaughter Lake is available for $3.99 plus shipping from Indy Planet.  Worth the price of admission just to see Monster Mike and Remy get dismembered, don't you think?  Or is it Quincy sitting on the jailhouse can?  I'll let you decide  what's more rewarding.

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